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【活人送进棺材入殓】新年第二天JOF进了【泰国火葬场】高能体验,泰国情侣用葬礼仪式结婚,帅气新郎直接被送入火化炉 用死亡宣誓的爱情真的会忠贞不移?让我想起了情蛊 究竟是迷信还是死亡教育 生死体验大揭秘

【活人送进棺材入殓】新年第二天JOF进了【泰国火葬场】高能体验,泰国情侣用葬礼仪式结婚,帅气新郎直接被送入火化炉 用死亡宣誓的爱情真的会忠贞不移?让我想起了情蛊 究竟是迷信还是死亡教育 生死体验大揭秘

從生到死然後向死而生循環往復 From birth to death, and then to death and life 用死亡葬禮的管道來舉行婚禮的泰國青年 Thai youth who use the pipe of death funeral to hold their wedding 决心用死亡葬儀過程的宣誓愛情 Determined to swear love in the process of death funeral 新年第二天JOF也在火葬場躺進了棺材 On the second day of the new year, jof also lay in a coffin in the crematorium 法師在他的人生告別儀式上誦經祈福超度 The mage chanted scriptures and prayed for transcendence at his farewell ceremony 這些一般人都避之不及的棺材 These coffins that ordinary people can't avoid 還有敬而遠之的地點和儀式 There are places and ceremonies to stay away 在充滿了生死哲學和磁場迥異的寺廟裏 In a temple full of life and death philosophy and different magnetic fields 新年伊始究竟發生了什麼呢 What happened at the beginning of the new year 環遊泰國系列節目的第四十四集 The 44th episode of the tour around Thailand series 我們就一起來探究生與死的關係 Let's explore the relationship between life and death hello朋友們大家好 Hello, friends 相信大家來到泰國自由行的時候都喜歡參觀泰國的寺廟 I believe everyone likes to visit Thai temples when they travel freely in Thailand 但是你可能不知道的是 But what you may not know is 泰國的每一家寺廟其實都是一间火葬場 Every temple in Thailand is actually a crematorium 大殿旁邊建築物高聳的煙囪 The tall chimneys of the buildings next to the hall 和室內停放著的一排一排棺木 And rows of coffins parked indoors 都在時刻告訴我們生死無常循環往復 They always tell us that life and death are impermanent and cyclic 大家好我们现在在那空是他玛叻 Hello, everyone. We're there now. It's tamarat 哎呀说错了已经回来了 Oh, I'm wrong. I've come back 我现在在農他部里 I'm in the agriculture department now 我们在大天寺 We are in Datian temple 这寺庙非常的知名 The temple is very famous 很多外国人喜欢来这里 Many foreigners like to come here 有很多佛学体验活动和慈善事业 There are many Buddhist experience activities and charities 现在我们进去看看 Now let's go in and have a look 其實我想呢在新年的伊始 Actually, I think, at the beginning of the new year 就做這樣一節和生死話題有關的節目 Just do such a program related to the topic of life and death 可能有一點過分的沉重和高能 It may be a little too heavy and energetic 但是其實在過去兩三年的時間裏 But in fact, in the past two or three years 我們每一個人都體會到了生活的不易和艱辛 Each of us has realized the difficulty and hardship of life 所以呢我希望在新年的伊始 So, I hope at the beginning of the new year 我們每一個人都能向死而生 Each of us can live to death 從而讓我們面對生活中的那些不敢面對的東西 So that we can face those things in life that we dare not face 包括死亡然後在我們活著有限的生命空間裏 Including death, and then in our limited living space 积极的生活 Active life 然後就是在新春佳節即將到來的時候 Then when the Spring Festival is coming 對那些已經離開我們的親人 For those who have left us 表達一份最深沉的懷念和追思 Express the deepest remembrance and remembrance 其實我相信他們也只是 In fact, I believe they are just 以一種面向死亡的管道在別樣的活著 Live in another way with a pipe facing death 而且活在你我的身邊 And live by your side 各位泰仔党和太子妃們 Ladies and gentlemen, Tai Tsai party and Crown Princess 看了剛剛的這個節目的片頭 I watched the title of the program just now 你們是不是覺得這一期的節目的题材 Do you think the theme of this program 有一點點奇葩呢 It's a little strange 如果你是沒看過我節目的朋友 If you're a friend who hasn't seen my show 可能看到這兒的時候 Maybe when you see here 你就覺得真的是世界之大無奇不有了 You think it's really the largest in the world 因為其實我們一般的人呢 Because in fact, we ordinary people 見到棺材或者是火葬場這樣的地方總是避而遠之的 You always avoid places like coffins or crematoria 因為大家都知道那是給去世的人 Because everyone knows it's for the dead 最後告別這個世界的地方 The last place to say goodbye to the world 不過呢 But what 在泰國卻有很多人會選擇刻意的來到寺廟 In Thailand, many people choose to come to temples deliberately 來到火葬場躺一躺棺材去感受一下死亡 Come to the crematorium and lie in a coffin to feel death 尤其是在這種新年伊始的時候 Especially at the beginning of this new year 泰國人都相信在這樣的日子裏來棺材裡面躺一躺 Thai people believe that they can lie in the coffin on such days 就能够驅邪避凶延長壽命 It can expel evil spirits, avoid evil and prolong life 其實這樣的故事告訴給大家 In fact, such a story is told to you 可能會有很多人會覺得吃驚 Many people may be surprised 但是其實據我所知呢 But as far as I know 在臺灣有很多教會會向群眾去 Many churches in Taiwan will go to the masses 普及這種死亡的體驗 Popularize this experience of death 或者在教會舉行生前的這種告別儀式 Or hold such a farewell ceremony in the church 通過這樣的一些宣導呢 Through such advocacy 能够讓人們用理性的管道 Can let people use rational channels 來看待死亡談論死亡 To look at death and talk about death 但對於每個個體或者家人朋友來說 But for every individual, family and friends
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